How to create a Professional English Language Cover Letter for Your Resume - for Thailand Jobseekers

Craft a standout English language cover letter for your Thailand job search. Read our guide to learn the secrets to creating a professional and compelling cover letter in just a few simple steps.


1/9/20247 min read

How to create a Professional English Language Cover Letter for Your Resume - for Thailand Jobseekers

If you’re searching for a job in Thailand and struggling to assemble an impressive English cover letter that compliments your resume, you’ve come to the right place.

This guide will show you how to create an outstanding cover letter that will catch the eye of hiring managers and make you stand out in the competitive Thailand job market. So, don't worry if English isn't your first language or you're just looking for advice; we will provide helpful hints, sample texts, and strategies to write a compelling cover letter for your job application in Thailand.

Why a Cover Letter Matters for Jobs in Thailand

Just like in most countries, including a cover letter in Thailand with your job application is really important; it gives employers a quick look at what you can do, what you've done before, and whether you'd be a good fit for their company. If you don't send one, it comes across as if you are not serious about the job and can't be bothered to make an effort, which isn't a great first impression.

A good cover letter sets you apart from the other applicants; it's your chance to show off the skills that make you unique and tell the employer why their vacancy caught your eye. Wowing them with a well-written cover letter in English, coupled with an English Language resume, also proves you're good at communicating in the language, which can be crucial for multinational companies.

Dos and Dont's quick overview:

Before you start typing away on your cover letter, make sure you have a read of this first; after this, we'll dive into the topic:

  • Do your homework: Before diving into your cover letter, thoroughly research the company's culture, values, and mission. This will help you tailor your letter to their specific needs and make it sound like you have put effort into getting to know the company.

  • Avoid the generic trap: Steer clear of using clichés or generic phrases that make your cover letter blend in with the crowd. Instead, showcase your unique qualities that make you a perfect match for the position.

  • Highlight your relevant experience: Zero in on specific experiences and skills that directly align with the job requirements. This will demonstrate your ability to excel in the role.

  • Keep it concise: Don't let your cover letter become a novel. Stick to one page and get straight to the point. Employers in Thailand appreciate brevity.

  • Polish it to perfection: Leave no room for errors. Carefully proofread for grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and formatting issues. A flawless cover letter shows your attention to detail and professionalism; spelling and grammar also affect ATS compliance.

Essential Parts to Add to Your Cover Letter for Jobs in Thailand

If you're writing a cover letter for job applications in Thailand, it's essential to add some key parts that make it look professional and full of the correct information. Make sure it's easy to get through and include these must-have details:

  1. Greeting: Start your cover letter with a respectful and formal greeting. Try to use the hiring manager's name if you can find it.

  2. Opening: Begin by telling them who you are and the job you want. Share why you're keen on the company and how your skills match the role perfectly.

  3. Work highlights: Talk about your career history, but focus on successes that show you're great for this job. Keep it short and clear, using bullet points or brief paragraphs.

  4. Skills showcase: Highlight your unique skills and talents relevant to the job description, including qualifications and certifications. Remember to mention your language abilities!

  5. Cultural knowledge: Demonstrate your understanding of Thai culture by sharing any experiences or knowledge that will show your ability to work effectively in Thailand.

  6. Ending thoughts: Conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering your application and expressing your enthusiasm to discuss how you can contribute to their team.

How to Write an Eye-Catching First Paragraph for Your Cover Letter

  1. Start with a strong introduction that captures the reader's attention by highlighting your skills and experience. For instance: "As an enthusiastic and experienced professional with a strong sales background, I am excited about competing for the position of Sales Manager at XYZ Company."

  2. Express your genuine excitement and dedication to the field or position you are applying for, for example: "I am very passionate about IT; I started building computers as a child, and this enthusiasm for technology still exists today. Therefore, I am excited to apply for the position of Software Engineer at ABC Tech, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute my skills and experience to the company."

  3. Talk about any significant triumphs or honours that prove you're perfect for the job: "In my previous role as Operations Manager, I led a diverse team and implemented efficient procedures that resulted in cost savings of over 20%. Based on this experience, I can make valuable contributions as your next Operations Director."

How to Show You're a Match for the Thai Work Culture

If you're applying for a job in Thailand, it's vital to show in your cover letter that you get the local work culture and would fit in well. Let's go over some ways you can do this:

  1. Learn about the business: Spend time getting to know the company and what it believes in; talk about why you feel connected to certain things the company does in your cover letter; maybe the company does community work, or perhaps it does charity events that align with your morals.

  2. Focus on team spirit: Being able to work as part of a team is really appreciated in Thai companies. Explain how you work well in groups; also, make sure you reference your understanding of how Thai culture impacts this.

  3. Respect for leaders: Showing respect for bosses and those who have been at a company longer, and for elders in general, is a big part of Thai society. Perhaps you have some stories or experiences where you have successfully demonstrated respect in situations with clear leadership and structure?

Including these tips in your cover letter can demonstrate to Thai employers that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their team and understand the unique aspects of Thai workplaces. Including references to these and your knowledge of Thai culture will help distinguish you from other applicants and increase your chances of being selected for an interview.

How to talk about any Language Obstacles in Your Cover Letter

When writing a cover letter, it is important to address any potential language challenges you may face as a non-native English speaker; here are some tips to help you navigate this:

  1. Be honest: Acknowledge your language skills honestly and confidently in your cover letter. Briefly mention that English may not be your first language, but emphasize your ability to communicate in the language.

  2. Keep it simple: Use clear and concise sentences to convey your message effectively. Avoid complex sentence structures or excessive use of jargon that might confuse the reader.

  3. Focus on transferable skills: Highlight specific examples where your skills and experiences align with the job requirements, regardless of being gained in a different linguistic context.

Employers value clarity and effective communication in a cover letter and job application. Addressing language challenges professionally and positively demonstrates adaptability and determination - qualities employers seek.

Dos and Don'ts for Formatting and Polishing Your Cover Letter

  • Use a professional and easy-to-read font like Arial, Open Sans, or Times New Roman. Ensure that the font you choose matches the one used in your resume.

  • Keep your cover letter brief and to the point. Focus on the key points that highlight your qualifications for the job.

  • Address the hiring manager by their name if possible, using proper salutations like "Dear Mr. Smith" or "Dear Ms. Johnson".

  • Clearly state your purpose in writing the cover letter and why you are interested in the position.

  • Highlight relevant skills and experiences that make you a strong candidate.

  • Make sure to proofread your cover letter multiple times to catch any grammar or spelling errors.

  • Use flashy fonts, colors, or excessive formatting that may distract from the content of your cover letter.

  • Include unnecessary information or paragraphs unrelated to the position you're applying for, employers are not interested in your hobbies, how many children you have, or what football team you support at this stage. Save that for the interview!

  • Begin with generic greetings such as "To Whom It May Concern" without trying to find out who will be reading it.


In short, if you're job hunting in Thailand, writing a cover letter in English to accompany your English resume is both essential and expected. Make each cover letter unique for the job you are applying for; when combined with a well-written English-language resume that shows off what you can do and what you've done in your career, you can significantly improve your chances of getting hired and advancing in your career in Thailand and around the world.

Cover letter is written in english
Cover letter is written in english
view showing a thailand road
view showing a thailand road
A Happy thai man with an english resume
A Happy thai man with an english resume
Other useful blog posts for your career

Do you still feel like you need help with your job search in Thailand?

If you need assistance creating a standout English cover letter and resume that aligns with what Thai employers are looking for, our expert English resume service can help. Our team consists of native English speakers with experience in recruitment and writing resumes for candidates like you.

Ready to go after that perfect job? Reach out to us at TER today. Let's get you moving forward towards a great new career, hopefully in the beautiful country of Thailand!

You can view our Resume writing service here, our Resume and Cover Letter writing service here and our Resume, Cover Letter and LinkedIn service here.

Tools you can use to write a resume

Now you know what you need to include, but what tools are there to actually write your resume?

  1. A common go-to is an online resume builder like or They offer simple pre-made templates where you plug in your details, and they take care of the formatting.

  2. You could also use a word processor like Microsoft Word or Google Docs. They come with their own resume templates, but these can be pretty basic and may not stand out, particularly if you’re in a creative field.

  3. Additionally, design platforms like Canva provide access to thousands of templates for various industries and professions, giving you more creative control.

  4. Then, professional resume writing services, like TER, are willing to work with you to polish your resume. They ensure it catches the eye of the recruiter and sails through automated screening systems (ATS).