Gain the Upper Hand in Your Job Search: Quick Tips for Thais on Crafting an English Language Resume

How do you craft an English Language resume? Find out here, suitable for graduates and non-graduate jobseekers in Thailand, including hints, tips, and actionable steps to help you advance in your career.


1/11/20245 min read

The TER Logo, a woman is happy with her resume
The TER Logo, a woman is happy with her resume
How to Create an Effective English Language Resume

Now that you understand the key components of an English language resume, let's explore some tips to help you craft an effective one.

Tailoring your English Language Resume:

Tailoring your resume to the job description is a crucial aspect of applying for a job. By reviewing the requirements and qualifications sought by the employer and highlighting relevant skills and experiences that align with the job description, you demonstrate your suitability for the role. Customizing your resume for each application increases your chances of catching the attention of employers and proving why you are the perfect fit for the position.

Showing Your Skills

In the skills section of your resume, it is important to focus on highlighting both technical and soft skills that are relevant to the job. Using action verbs and specific examples to showcase your achievements and demonstrate the value you can bring to the employer is crucial. Avoid simply listing skills such as "communication skills." Instead, provide a specific example where your excellent communication skills helped resolve a challenging situation or contributed to the success of a project. This approach enables employers to see how your skills can be applied in real-world scenarios.

Proper Use of English Language and Grammar

Proper use of English language and grammar is imperative to a well-crafted resume. It is crucial to ensure that your resume is free from grammatical errors and typos, using proper English language and grammar throughout the document. A native English speaker can proofread your resume to ensure its accuracy and clarity. Additionally, paying attention to the formatting and layout of your resume is vital to make it visually appealing and easy to read. A well-organized and error-free resume shows attention to detail and professionalism, increasing your chances of making a positive impression on potential employers.

A man writes resume writing on a piece of paper
A man writes resume writing on a piece of paper

Gain the Upper Hand in Your Job Search: Quick Tips for Thais on Crafting an English Language Resume


In today's highly competitive global job market, proficiency in English language skills is vital for Thais to land positions in multinational companies, both locally and internationally. The success of your job hunt relies on your ability to produce an exceptional English language resume, which highlights your professional expertise and sets you apart from the rest of the candidates. This comprehensive guide aims to highlight the key components of an English language resume, highlight the differences between Thai and English resumes, and provide valuable tips for crafting an impressive resume that will captivate prospective employers.

Understanding the English Language Resume

To create a persuasive English language resume, it is imperative to grasp the fundamental components and how they differ from Thai resumes.

Key Components of an English Language Resume

An English-language resume generally consists of the following sections:

  • Contact Information: It should include your full name, address, phone number, and email address. Ensure that the information is precise and up to date.

  • Photos: Unlike Western countries, employers in Thailand expect a neat, professional portrait photo on a resume.

  • Objective Statement: This section is optional, and it briefly outlines your career aspirations and what you hope to accomplish in the position you are applying for. It should be tailored to each job application.

  • Education: List your academic qualifications, beginning with the most recent degree or certification. Indicate the name of the institution, the degree obtained, and the dates of attendance.

  • Work Experience: Elaborate on your professional experience, starting with the most recent job. It should entail the company name, job title, employment dates, and a brief overview of your responsibilities and achievements.

  • Skills: Showcase your relevant technical and soft skills that align with the job requirements. This section is an opportunity to demonstrate your proficiency in specific areas and how they meet the employer's expectations.

  • Achievements: Highlight any exceptional accomplishments, such as awards, certifications, or projects that demonstrate your abilities and dedication. This section allows you to showcase your accomplishments and provide concrete examples of your success.

  • References: Include references from former employers or academic mentors who can endorse your qualifications and work ethic. Always seek their permission before listing their contact information. This adds credibility to your resume and enables potential employers to verify your credentials.

Differences between Thai and Western Resumes

Thai resumes tend to be more personalized and include additional information such as age, marital status, and a photo. Conversely, English resumes focus solely on professional qualifications and skills. It is crucial to adapt your resume to the cultural expectations of the target job market. By understanding these differences, you can tailor your English language resume to meet the expectations of employers in English-speaking countries.

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Common Mistakes Thais and ESL Speakers Make on English Resumes
Overuse of Buzzwords

Thais often make common mistakes when creating English resumes, one of these mistakes include overusing buzzwords and clichés, employers are looking for unique and authentic candidates, so focus on providing concrete examples and measurable results instead of using generic terms like "team player" or "results-oriented."

Inaccurate Translation of Thai Terms

Also, be cautious when translating Thai terms into English, you can seek assistance from a professional translator or a native English speaker (like us) to avoid any misunderstandings. This attention to detail ensures that your resume is clear and easily understood by potential employers.


Creating an effective English language resume is essential for Thais and ESL Speakers seeking job opportunities in today's competitive market. By understanding the key components of an English resume, tailoring it to the job description, highlighting skills and achievements, and avoiding common mistakes, Thais and ESL Speakers can increase their chances of securing their dream job. A well-crafted resume can make a lasting impression on employers and recruiters, setting you apart from other candidates. By implementing these tips and strategies, you can confidently showcase your qualifications and stand out as a top candidate in the job hunt.

Make sure you check out our guide on cover letters here, interview tips here, and other useful information here.

Need any help?

Are you struggling to create an impressive English Language Resume? Look no further! At TER, we specialize in crafting exceptional English Language Resumes that will make you stand out from the competition. Let our expert team assist you in showcasing your skills and experience in the most compelling way possible. Don't miss out on your dream job - take advantage of our top-notch English Language Resume creation service today!

A man looks at english resumes
A man looks at english resumes
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