How To Use English in a Job Interview - and After

Using English in a professional environment may seem daunting, especially if it’s your first time in a job interview or networking, but it can be crucial in the world of business. Here's how to perfect your introduction, apply it in an interview and also how to improve it beyond.


2/5/20246 min read

The Role of Work English in Professional Settings

Business/Professional English means taking your language beyond words; it's about communicating your intentions and needs. Clear articulation of your thoughts is vital, as is active listening and engaging, so in this guide we're going to provide help on how to implement English in the jobsearch stage, including interviews.

Before the Interview - Crafting the Perfect Resume and Cover Letter for Job Applications

Your resume and cover letter, written in English is often the initial connection with potential employers. Your resume needs to be brief, focusing on what you have achieved and why it matters for your desired job.

If you have landed on this article, but are yet to write one have a helpful guide on how to write one here in English, or here in Thai. We also have a cover letter writing guide, here in English and here in Thai. If you are stuck and need help, please see our resume writing service information here in English, or here in Thai.

Introducing Yourself in English:

First Impressions Count.

When you introduce yourself in English, keep it short and sweet. Start with your name, what you do, and why you're excited about the opportunity. Think of it as your personal elevator pitch.

“Hello, I’m Jane Doe; I am a digital marketing specialist. I love helping brands grow using creative strategies. For the past 5 years, I have been working at ABC Company; I’ve recently finished a project that saw a 30% increase in customer engagement, and I’m thrilled about the possibility of bringing my unique blend of skills to your team.”

Another example is “Hi, I’m John Smith; I’ve been a Software Engineer for over ten years now, working at 123 INC; I've been involved in a number of key business continuity projects, including as a Scrum Master in a billion baht software upgrade. I was interested in this role as it is a natural next step for me, and I believe your company's future roadmap aligns with my specialities and interests.”

Tailoring Your Introduction.

The key to a successful introduction is making it relevant to your audience. At a job interview, focus on your work experience and how it fits the job, the key things to include are:

  • Your professional identity: Position yourself immediately with your name and core expertise.

  • Your unique value proposition: Briefly outline your specific skills and experiences that make you a great fit for the role and the company.

  • Your knowledge about the company: Showing that you've done your homework on the company, the job specification and that you are enthusiastic about contributing to specific areas indicates a proactive and interested attitude.

Navigating Job Interview Questions in English

Job interviews conducted in English in the main will cover your background, work experience, and behaviour in the workplace. It is likely the interview will focus on situational questions, too. Prepare by researching common questions and practising your responses.

To help you out, we have a page full of common interview questions here.

Elevating Your Interview Skills

Master introducing yourself in English, then prepare for job interview questions. To do well in a job interview, you need to do more than memorize answers; you should show your ability to solve problems, be flexible, and fit in with the company culture.

Behavioral Questions: A Window to Your Professional Persona.

Behavioural questions usually begin with asking about a specific experience. They want to know how you handled situations in the past to understand how you approach problems and responsibilities. Reflect on moments showing leadership, teamwork, conflict resolution, or time management skills.

STAR Technique for Structured Responses.

Use STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to organize your answers clearly and well. This approach helps you tell a compelling story about your professional experiences.

Prepare by outlining the Situation and Task. Focus on Action and positive Result.

Sealing the Deal: The Follow-Up

Now you've aced your interview with the above advice, remember a well-crafted follow-up! Sending a thank-you email expresses gratitude and demonstrates ongoing interest in the job. Recap your strengths and address any points you wish you explained further.

Key Elements of a Follow-Up Email: .

Thank the interviewer for their time. Explain why you are a good match for the job by discussing your skills. Share what stood out for you in the interview. Ask about the next steps in the hiring process - we have a guide on how to write an email here.

Continuous Improvement: Sharpening Your Work English Beyond the Interview

You can improve your Work English skills by continuously learning and practising. It is not a fixed set of skills but a valuable asset that grows over time. Take part in workshops, seminars, and online courses for professional development.

Networking: Learning Through Interaction.

Online and in-person networking provides invaluable opportunities to practice your professional English. Interact with peers, mentors, and professionals to learn new vocabulary and idioms. Explore nuances of professional English communication.

The Digital Edge: Leveraging Online Resources

Today, online resources can help you with job applications and interview preparation. The BBC, LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, and edX offer courses for professional English skills. They cover resume writing and interview techniques.

Utilizing YouTube for Learning and Inspiration

YouTube is a goldmine for educational content. It covers introducing yourself in English. It also includes crafting an effective resume and acing job interviews. English with Lucy, TEDx Talks, and CareerVidz offer valuable tips and tutorials. These channels can improve your job application experience.


Instagram is also a great place to learn; many English teachers are aimed at Thai speakers, our top picks are KruDew, Kru Kellen, And Kru Whan.

Embrace Feedback:

Seek constructive feedback on your Work English, resume, and interview techniques. Use this input to make iterative improvements over time - remember, we offer a resume review service.


Mastering how to introduce yourself in English and navigating job applications and interviews in a second language is challenging, but you can overcome these challenges with dedication, practice, and the right resources. Remember, every interaction is an opportunity to learn and grow. Adopting a proactive approach to professional development paves the way for a rewarding, borderless career.

Remember, if you need any help we offer career advice, a resume writing service, and much more


Q: How long should my self-introduction be?

A: Keep it under a minute. Be concise but informative.

Q: What if my resume in English isn't perfect?

A: Focus on clarity and relevance. Proofread for errors or have a native speaker review it - We offer a resume writing service.

Q: How can I improve my Business/Professional English?

A: Engage in English discussions often. Read articles and watch business-related content in English.

Q: How should I dress for a job interview?

A: Dress appropriately for the company's culture. For corporate roles, professional business attire is usually expected. For startups or creative companies, business casual might be more appropriate. When in doubt, it's better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed.

Q: How do I handle gaps in my employment on my resume?

A: Be honest and prepared to explain any gaps in employment during the interview. Focus on activities you engaged in during those periods that contributed to your personal or professional growth, such as taking courses, freelancing, or volunteering.

Q: What are some good questions to ask at the end of the interview?

A: Asking thoughtful questions shows your interest in the role and the company. Consider asking about the company's culture, the team you'll be working with, what success looks like for the position, and the next steps in the interview process.

Q: How do I deal with interview nerves?

A: Practice common interview questions aloud, either with a friend or through mock interviews. Breathing exercises and positive visualization can also help calm nerves. Remember, it's okay to take a moment to think before answering a question.

Q: Can I negotiate my salary offer?

A: Yes, salary negotiation is a standard part of the job offer process. Do your research ahead of time to know the industry standards for the position. Be polite and express your enthusiasm for the role while discussing your salary expectations.

Q: What should I do if I'm running late for an interview?

A: Contact the interviewer or the company as soon as you know you'll be late. Apologize for the inconvenience and provide an estimated time of arrival. Be honest about the reason for the delay.

Q: How do I explain being fired from a previous job?

A: Focus on what you learned from the experience and how it has made you a better employee. Avoid speaking negatively about your previous employer. Instead, emphasize your resilience and commitment to professional growth.

A man undertaking a job interview
A man undertaking a job interview
A man writing an english language resume
A man writing an english language resume
A woman researches how to introduce herself in English
A woman researches how to introduce herself in English
A networking event
A networking event
A representation of a job fair
A representation of a job fair
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