Ace Your Next Job Interview: 20 Common Questions and Strategic Answers

Navigating a job interview can be daunting. Equip yourself with strategic responses to 20 common interview questions, designed to showcase your strengths, adaptability, and commitment to contributing positively to your prospective employer.


2/6/202413 min read

Ace Your Next Job Interview: 20 Common Questions and Strategic Answers in English

Getting ready for an interview can be tough, and it's even tougher when you try to figure out what questions they'll ask you. Knowing the kind of questions that often come up in interviews can really help you feel more confident and improve how you do. We're going to look at 20 common interview questions and give you some tips on what the interviewer wants to hear and how to give answers that make a strong impact.

If you are looking for a guide on how to use English in an interview, our post here will help.

Before the Interview - Crafting the Perfect Resume and Cover Letter for Job Applications

Your resume and cover letter, written in English is often the initial connection with potential employers. Your resume needs to be brief, focusing on what you have achieved and why it matters for your desired job.

If you have landed on this article, but are yet to write one have a helpful guide on how to write one here in English, or here in Thai. We also have a cover letter writing guide, here in English and here in Thai. If you are stuck and need help, please see our resume writing service information here in English, or here in Thai.

Example English Questions You May Get Asked - With Answers

  1. Q: Can you tell me about yourself?

    Explanation: This open-ended question is often used to start interviews. It gives you the opportunity to summarize your professional background, key achievements, and personal interests that align with the job and company culture. It's your chance to set the tone for the interview, so make it count!

    A1: "I'm a dedicated marketing professional with over five years of experience in digital campaigns and brand development. Having led multiple successful campaigns, increasing brand visibility by up to 30% for previous employers, I've honed my skills in strategic planning and creative content creation. Outside of work, I'm passionate about photography and storytelling, which I believe enhances my creative approach to marketing challenges. My goal is to leverage these skills and experiences to contribute to innovative marketing strategies for your company."

    A2: "With a background in software development, I specialize in developing scalable web applications. Over the past seven years, I've contributed to over a dozen major projects, often exceeding performance targets and improving user experience. My approach combines a deep technical understanding with a user-centered design philosophy, aiming to create intuitive and efficient solutions. Beyond my professional life, I enjoy participating in hackathons and technology workshops, which keeps me updated with the latest trends and technologies. I'm excited about the opportunity to bring my blend of experience and passion for technology to your team, contributing to impactful projects."

  2. Q: Why do you want to work here?

    Explanation: This question evaluates your interest in the company and the position. It allows you to demonstrate your knowledge of the company's values, culture, and goals, and to explain how your skills and ambitions align with them.

    A1: "Your company's commitment to innovation and its reputation for leadership in the tech industry are what attract me the most. I've always admired how you integrate cutting-edge technologies to solve real-world problems. Additionally, your emphasis on fostering a collaborative and inclusive workplace culture resonates with my personal values and professional approach. I'm particularly drawn to this role because of the opportunity it presents to contribute to exciting projects that align with my expertise in software development and my passion for emerging technologies. I see this as a perfect platform to grow and contribute to your team's success."

    A2: "I'm drawn to your organization because of its strong commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, which aligns with my personal ethos and professional goals. Your innovative approaches to environmental challenges and the impactful projects showcased in your sustainability report demonstrate a genuine commitment to making a difference. Furthermore, the opportunity for professional growth, through your renowned development programs, offers the kind of career path I am looking for. I am excited about the prospect of contributing my skills in project management and environmental science to further your sustainability initiatives, while also growing with the company."

  3. Q: What makes a great team, in your opinion?

    Explanation: This question assesses your understanding of teamwork and collaboration, looking for insights into what you value in a team setting and how you contribute to a positive team environment.

    A1: "A great team thrives on diversity, bringing together varied perspectives and strengths. For example, during a university project, our group's mix of disciplines led to a comprehensive approach, enhancing our final outcome. This taught me the value of leveraging individual strengths for a collective goal."

    A2: "In my view, a great team is built on effective communication and mutual respect. At my previous job, a project initially suffered from misunderstandings. Implementing regular check-ins and fostering a culture of open feedback not only resolved the issue but improved our efficiency by 20%, showcasing the power of clear communication and respect."

  4. Q: Tell us about a time you had to learn something quickly for your job.

    Explanation: This question gauges your ability to adapt and learn new skills or information on the job.

    A1: "Upon adopting a new CRM system, I dedicated after-hours to tutorials and practice sessions, becoming proficient within a week. I then conducted training sessions for my team, ensuring a smooth transition. This experience underscored my ability to quickly master new technologies and lead by example."

    A2: "Assigned to manage a project in an unfamiliar domain, I immersed myself in industry research and sought mentorship from experts within the company. My rapid learning curve allowed me to lead the project to success, demonstrating my commitment to growth and capability to tackle new challenges."

  5. Q: Can you give an example of when you've worked as part of a team?

    Explanation: Interviewers ask this to gauge your experience with teamwork, looking for examples of your collaboration, flexibility, and role within a team.

    A1: "On a project with a looming deadline, I facilitated coordination between design and marketing to streamline our efforts. This experience underscored the importance of cross-functional collaboration in meeting tight deadlines and achieving project success."

    A2: "As part of the organizing team for a large company event, we navigated differing opinions by focusing on our shared objectives. This approach, coupled with leveraging our diverse strengths, led to a successful event that earned praise from our CEO, reinforcing the value of unity and shared vision."

  6. Q: Tell me about a time when you completed a difficult task under pressure.

    Explanation: This question probes your ability to manage stress, prioritize tasks, and achieve results under tight deadlines or challenging conditions.

    A1: "Faced with a reduced deadline on a critical client project, I prioritized my workload and extended my hours to meet the deadline without compromising quality. This situation bolstered my stress management skills and reaffirmed my commitment to excellence under pressure."

    A2: "Dealing with a critical bug right before a product launch was a significant challenge. Through a methodical approach and collaboration with my team, we resolved the issue under tight deadlines. This not only highlighted my problem-solving skills but also the importance of teamwork in high-pressure scenarios."

  7. Q: How would you deal with conflict with a co-worker?

    Explanation: Conflict resolution skills are crucial in any workplace. This question seeks to understand your approach to resolving disagreements and maintaining a harmonious work environment.

    A1: "I believe in addressing conflict head-on but respectfully. Once, a project dispute arose over responsibilities. By discussing our viewpoints privately, we found a fair task division that improved our working relationship and project outcome."

    A2: "Effective conflict management involves a constructive approach. Facing divergent views on a project, we incorporated feedback from peers and supervisors. This collaborative resolution process not only merged the best of our ideas but also strengthened our project and relationship."

  8. Q: Where do you see yourself in five years?

    Explanation: Employers ask this to gauge your career aspirations, commitment to growth, and whether your goals align with the company's path.

    A1: "In five years, I aspire to be a recognized leader in my field, having taken on challenging projects that contribute to strategic company decisions. I'm keen on mentoring and sharing my experiences with upcoming professionals, aiming for continuous personal and professional growth."

    A2: "I envision myself in a senior position, leading significant projects that drive innovation. I plan to enhance my skills in strategic planning and analytics, contributing to the company's success and cementing my role as a key player in its growth narrative."

  9. Q: How do you handle stress and pressure?

    Explanation: This question evaluates your strategies for managing workplace stress and maintaining productivity under demanding circumstances.

    A1: "I tackle stress by prioritizing tasks and breaking down complex projects into manageable steps. Complementing this with regular exercise and mindfulness practices ensures I remain focused and effective, even under pressure."

    A2: "Facing pressure, I concentrate on controllable aspects and seek support when necessary. Promoting a culture of teamwork allows us to collectively address challenges, making daunting tasks more manageable through shared effort and solutions."

  10. Q: Can you tell me about a time where you provided excellent customer service?

    Explanation: Highlighting your customer service skills, this question looks for examples of how you go above and beyond to meet or exceed customer expectations.

    A1: "A customer was upset over a delay. I listened actively, expressed empathy, and offered a future discount, transforming their frustration into loyalty and repeat business, demonstrating the impact of understanding and responsive service."

    A2: "Assisting a customer unfamiliar with our product, I provided a step-by-step setup via video call, ensuring their comfort and satisfaction. This proactive approach not only solved their issue but also led to positive public feedback, showcasing our commitment to exceptional service."

  11. Q: Can you describe to us your strengths?

    Explanation: Understanding your self-assessment of strengths allows interviewers to gauge how your abilities align with the job requirements.

    A1: "My analytical skills enable me to tackle complex problems efficiently, while my commitment to lifelong learning has driven improvements in processes and productivity across my projects, illustrating my ability to blend analytical prowess with a growth mindset."

    A2: "My strengths lie in communication and teamwork. My clarity in conveying ideas and active listening have fostered effective collaborations, leading to successful projects and strong, respectful professional relationships."

  12. Q: What's your biggest weakness?

    Explanation: This question tests your self-awareness and willingness to address and improve on personal shortcomings.

    A1: "My perfectionism sometimes slows my pace. Recognizing this, I'm learning to balance quality with efficiency, ensuring my thoroughness is an asset rather than an impediment to timely project completion."

    A2: "Initially, public speaking was daunting for me. Acknowledging its importance, I've actively sought opportunities to improve, from workplace presentations to joining speaking clubs, significantly enhancing my confidence and communicative effectiveness."

  13. Q: Why did you leave your last job?

    Explanation: Employers ask this to understand your motivations for change and to assess your fit and longevity potential within their organization.

    A1: "Seeking a role that aligns more closely with my long-term career goals, I left my previous job for an opportunity that offers clearer growth paths and development opportunities, like this position, which emphasizes innovation and team collaboration."

    A2: "I was ready for new challenges and opportunities to expand my skills in a different context. This role represents the advancement and learning environment I'm seeking, aligning with my career aspirations and offering a platform for significant contribution."

  14. Q: How do you ensure quality in your work?

    Explanation: Quality assurance is critical across roles; this question explores your approach to maintaining high standards.

    A1: "I implement a 'double-check' system for all my work, first completing tasks to the best of my ability, then revisiting them after a brief interval with a fresh perspective. This approach, coupled with peer reviews for complex projects, helps ensure the highest quality outputs."

    A2: "Adhering to established protocols and continuously seeking feedback are key to my quality assurance process. Regularly updating my knowledge and skills also plays a significant role, as staying informed about industry standards and best practices allows me to maintain a high-quality standard in my work."

  15. Q: How do you prioritize your work?

    Explanation: This question evaluates your time management skills and ability to efficiently handle multiple tasks or projects.

    A1: "I prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance, using tools like to-do lists and digital planners to stay organized. For instance, urgent client requests take precedence, but I also allocate time for long-term projects. This approach ensures I meet deadlines while advancing strategic goals."

    A2: "I start my day by reviewing and updating my task list, categorizing tasks by deadlines and project impact. Collaborating with my team helps refine these priorities, ensuring we align on critical objectives. This method has consistently helped me balance immediate needs with overarching project goals."

  16. Q: How do you handle feedback?

    Explanation: This question assesses your openness to constructive criticism and your ability to use feedback for personal and professional development.

    A1: "I view feedback as a crucial element of professional growth. When receiving feedback, I listen actively, ask clarifying questions, and develop an action plan to address areas for improvement. Reflecting on feedback has enabled me to enhance my skills and performance significantly."

    A2: "Feedback, whether positive or constructive, is an opportunity to learn. I make it a point to seek feedback regularly and apply it to my work, treating it as a valuable resource for continuous improvement. This proactive approach has helped me excel in various projects and foster positive relationships with colleagues."

  17. Q: Can you talk about how you learned English and how you use it in your daily life?

    Explanation: This question is designed to understand your journey in learning English and how you integrate this skill into your everyday activities, especially if you have limited experience with the language.

    A1: "I started learning English through school classes, which taught me basic grammar and vocabulary. To improve, I watched English cartoons and movies with subtitles in my language. This helped me hear how words are pronounced and see them used in sentences. Every day, I try to read simple English books or articles on the internet to learn new words. In my daily life, I use English to read instructions, signs, and use apps on my phone. Sometimes, I practice speaking English with my friends who are also learning or with tourists. This helps me feel more confident using English outside of class."

    A2: "My journey with English began with online courses focusing on everyday conversation. I found apps that let me learn at my own pace, starting with simple phrases and sentences. Listening to English songs and trying to understand the lyrics was fun and educational. I also joined a language exchange group where we met weekly to practice speaking. We would talk about our hobbies, work, and share stories in English. Now, I use English to help tourists in my city, communicate with friends from other countries on social media, and understand instructions or information online. Learning English has made me more connected to the world around me."

  18. Q: Why should we hire you?

    Explanation: This is your opportunity to summarize your suitability for the role, emphasizing how your unique skills and experiences make you the best candidate.

    A1: "My blend of project management and digital marketing expertise positions me uniquely to contribute to your team. My technical skills, coupled with a creative approach, align with your goals for innovation and efficiency."

    A2: "My proactive problem-solving skills and history of operational improvements make me a valuable asset. My commitment to excellence and teamwork aligns with the role's challenges, and my dedication to ongoing learning will contribute to our mutual success."

  19. Q: What are your salary expectations for this role?

    Explanation: This question seeks to understand if your compensation expectations align with the budget and norms of the organization.

    A1: "Considering the role's responsibilities and my experience, I'm seeking a salary in the range of [specific range], reflecting both the industry standards and the value I anticipate bringing to your team."

    A2: "I'm open to discussing a fair compensation package that reflects the role's demands and my professional contributions. I'm confident in the skills I bring and seek a salary that recognizes my expertise and the impact I can make."

  20. Q: Have you got any questions for us?

    Explanation: This shows your interest in the role and company, providing an opportunity to gather more information and demonstrate your engagement with the position - Always say yes to this question! Ask about the company's challenges, team dynamics, success metrics, or future plans. This shows your interest in the role and your proactive approach to your career.

    A1: "Could you share more about the team dynamics and how my role would integrate and contribute to achieving its objectives? I'm keen to understand how I can best support and collaborate within the team."

    A2: "I'm interested in learning about the company's future vision and how this department plays a role in realizing that vision. Additionally, what professional development opportunities does the company offer to support its employees' growth?"

A man undertaking a job interview
A man undertaking a job interview
A man writing an english language resume
A man writing an english language resume
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The TER Logo


We trust with this guide, you will have a good template to practice some English interview questions; practicing answers will do more than boost your confidence for an interview; it also shows the interviewer that you care, you've done your homework, and you're excited about the role. Keep in mind that attending an interview isn't just about giving answers; it's about having a good chat and getting to know your potential new employer, letting them see how eager you are, being honest, and making sure they notice your career successes and what makes you unique.

Wishing you all the best in your upcoming interview! Remember it's not only about them choosing you but also about you finding a place that fits what you want in your career. Now, go out there and get that dream job!

Remember, if you need any help we offer a range of services related to careers in Thailand, don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you need any assistance.

Next Step Advice - 3 Quick Tips

Make Your Answers Personal: When you reply, make sure your answers show off your own experiences, talents and ambitions. Being genuine goes a long way in job interviews.

Know the Company Inside Out: Take a good look at the firm's past, what they stand for, and their recent wins so you can connect your answers to what they care about and show you're really interested.

Practice Makes Perfect: Go over your answers again and again until they come out smooth when you're in the hot seat. It's a good idea to run through them with a buddy or someone who can guide you so you can get some pointers.

two people shaking hands
two people shaking hands
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