Effective Follow-Up Email: Post-Interview Success Tips - Including Templates in English

Master post-interview etiquette with our guide on writing polite yet convincing follow-up emails in English to help you win over the Hiring Manager, complete with templates.


2/7/202412 min read

How to Write a Polite and Professional Follow-Up Email Post-Interview in English - including templates

Getting to the interview stage is a big win in your quest for a new job, but there's more work to do after the interview finishes. It's key, but often forgotten, to send a follow-up email after your talk with the employer. This guide will show you how to craft a smart follow-up message in English to follow up with the Hiring Manager once your interview is over.

Before then - Crafting the Perfect Resume and Cover Letter for Job Applications

Your resume and cover letter, written in English is often the initial connection with potential employers. Your resume needs to be brief, focusing on what you have achieved and why it matters for your desired job.

If you have landed on this article, but are yet to write one have a helpful guide on how to write one here in English, or here in Thai. We also have a cover letter writing guide, here in English and here in Thai. If you are stuck and need help, please see our resume writing service information here in English, or here in Thai.

The Importance of a Post-Interview Follow-Up Email

Sending a follow-up email after you've had a job interview is super important in the hiring game. It's not just about being polite—it's your chance to show again how right you are for the job. Here's why hitting "send" on that email matters so much:

1. Show You're Still Excited

By following up, you let the hiring team know you're still really into the job, you could tip the scales in your favour if they're trying to decide between you and other candidates.

2. Stress Your Match for the Job

This email is your moment to remind them what you're bringing to the table and how it fits with what they're looking for—making it more likely they'll think of you as the one to hire.

3. Make It Personal

Adding a personal touch by customizing your message—and showing you were paying attention and connecting during your chat, can make you stand out from others.

4. Clear Things Up and Add More

If there were any confusing bits in your interview, or if you've thought of more to say, this is your chance to clear things up or add new info.

All in all, a good follow-up email will increase your chances of a positive result post-interview. But it's not just about the content—it's also about saying it well. We'll get into when to send your email and how to write it to make sure it hits home in the next parts.

A man thinks about what email to write
A man thinks about what email to write
a man writes resume writing on a piece of paper
a man writes resume writing on a piece of paper
A woman typing a thank you email
A woman typing a thank you email
A man thinking about his job prospects
A man thinking about his job prospects
A man is congratulated for his new job
A man is congratulated for his new job
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The TER Logo
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An FAQ is displayed ona  screen
More Career Advice Is Below

Timing is Everything: When to Send Your Follow-Up Email

Figuring out the best time to send your follow-up email after a job interview is just as important as what you write in it. Here are some tips to help you decide:

Remember to gauge each situation uniquely. If your interview concluded with them wanting additional information from you, send it promptly without waiting for the 24-hour mark. Conversely, if the hiring process was indicated to be lengthy, give it a bit more time before your nudge.

Following these tips about when to reach out can show you're really interested in the job and that you're a professional. Choosing the right time can highlight your enthusiasm for the job without seeming impatient or too forward.

Writing Tips for an Effective Follow-Up Email in English

Crafting the perfect follow-up email post-interview is a nuanced art. You aim to strike the right balance between professional courtesy and personal enthusiasm. Here are some key writing tips to ensure your message resonates with the hiring manager:

1. Compelling Subject Line

Your subject line serves as the first impression. It should be attention-grabbing, yet precise. Consider phrases like:

  • Following Up on [Position Name] Interview"

  • "Thank You for the Opportunity to Discuss [Position Name]"

Avoid overly familiar, spammy or vague language that might get your email overlooked.

2. Professional Tone with Gratitude

The body of your email should reflect professionalism. Here's how:

  • Begin with a polite greeting

  • Address the hiring manager by name

  • Express genuine thanks for the interview opportunity

A sentence such as "I appreciate the time you took to discuss the role and your team's goals" or "I'd like to thank you for your and your colleague's time today" can set a respectful tone.

3. Relevance and Brevity

Keep your email concise and to the point.

  • Articulate your continued interest in the position

  • Briefly reiterate how your skills align with the company’s needs

4. Personal Touch

Reference a moment from your interview that was particularly insightful or meaningful, this personal touch will demonstrate attentiveness and can help forge a stronger connection with the interviewer.

Remember, English proficiency in professional settings is essential and can be further developed with practice. For tips on using English effectively during job interviews and beyond, consider visiting this guide on how to use English in a job interview from us here at TER.

Structuring Your Follow-Up Email for Maximum Impact

When composing your follow-up email, the structure plays a pivotal role in conveying your message effectively. Here’s how you can add value and create an impactful message:

1. Subject Line

Keep it concise and relevant. Consider using "Following Up on [Position Name] Interview" or "Thank You – [Your Name] Interview for [Position Name]."

2. Opening Paragraph

Start with a polite greeting, and express your gratitude for the interview opportunity. For instance, "Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name], I want to extend my sincere thanks for discussing the [position name] with me."

If you feel you got on particularly well with the interviewer you could take on a more friendly tone. For example, "Hello [Employer's Name], thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me about the [job title] role."

3. Body of the Email

In this section, you'll want to:

  • Talk about specific parts of our chat: Mention one or two main things from your interview that were really interesting or important for the job. You could say something like, "I got really excited when we talked about the new project on [specific project] because I've dealt with similar tasks before."

  • Highlight your skills: Link these topics to what you're good at and what you've done before. Try saying, "Like we went over in the interview, my background in [specific skill or project] fits nicely with what your team is trying to do."

  • Show you're eager: Make it clear that you're very interested in the job by explaining how you can help the company do well. You might mention, "I believe my experience in [field/skill] will be a big asset for [Company Name]'s plans, like the [plans] we discussed."

4. Closing Paragraph

End your message by:

  • Expressing gratitude and interest again: Quickly thank them once more and let them know you're really excited about the chance to work with them. You could say something like, "Thanks again for considering me for the exciting [Role Name], I'm truly eager to become part of [Company Name] and help in its growth."

  • Talking about what comes next: If you talked about any next steps in your interview or if you need to share when you're free to chat more, put that info here.

5. Signature

Wrap up with a polite sign-off like "Kind regards," or "Yours truly," then write down your full name and how they can get in touch with you.

Make sure each part of your message reflects your real conversation with the person who interviewed you, and keep the main idea clear from start to finish. Doing this shows that you're genuinely interested in the role and reminds them why you're perfect for the job.

Polish It Up: Editing and Proofreading Your Follow-Up Email

A strong follow-up email should reflect your attention to detail and commitment to professionalism. Editing and proofreading are critical steps that ensure your communication is clear, error-free, and well-received by the hiring manager.

  • Focus on Clarity: Ensure that the points made are concise and lead the reader smoothly from one idea to the next.

  • Consistency of Style: Use the same formatting, font, and professional language throughout the email.

  • Tone Check: The email should convey respect, enthusiasm, and professionalism.

  • Grammar and Spelling: Utilize tools like Grammarly or Microsoft Word's spellcheck. However, do not rely solely on these tools; read through each sentence carefully.

  • Punctuation: Pay close attention to commas, periods, and other punctuation marks which can affect the readability of your message.

  • Double-Check Names and Titles: Verify the spelling of the company name, position title, and hiring manager’s name.

Remember that errors in a follow-up email can distract from its content. A well-polished email not only showcases your qualifications but also demonstrates your attention to detail. Consider reading your email aloud or asking a friend to proofread it for a final touch; hearing the words can highlight areas that may need improvement that aren't always caught when reading silently.

After ensuring your follow-up email is polished to perfection, you'll be ready to send it with confidence.


Writing a good follow-up email after an interview can really help your chances of getting the job. Doing this shows you're not just polite enough to say thanks, but you're serious about the job, why you're a great choice, and you care a lot about joining their team.

Here's a quick recap of the key points:
  • Email Timing: Aim to send your follow-up email within 24-48 hours post-interview.

  • Email Content: Keep it professional. Express gratitude for the opportunity and reinforce why you’re the best fit for the position.

  • Email Structure: Address specific points discussed during the interview to show attentiveness and understanding.

Remember, it's not only about what you say but also how you say it. The quality of your English language can make or break perceptions of your professionalism.

While we hope that every interview leads to a job offer, there are instances when things don't work out. Don't be disheartened. Use these experiences as learning opportunities to refine your interviewing skills and follow-up etiquette.

Remember, we offer career advice and services tailored for EFL speakers in the Thai job market, for more info please contact us.

If you are looking for some templates, we have created some for you below.

Template Examples for Different Follow-Up Email Scenarios

Writing a follow-up email after an interview might feel overwhelming, especially if you don't know how to put your thoughts into words. But having some tried-and-true examples can help steer you in the right direction and make sure you're saying what you need to. Here, you'll find some sample emails that are put together really well for various post-interview situations. Keep in mind that these samples are just starting points - you should tweak them to fit your own unique flair and the specific details of your experience.

Example 1 - Basic Follow-Up Email

Subject: Thank You for the Interview - [Your Full Name] for [Position Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the chance to interview for the [Position Name] role at [Company Name] yesterday. It was a pleasure to learn more about the team's work and the goals of your company.

The discussion about [specific topic discussed] particularly excited me, and I am keen to bring my skills in [your skill/area of expertise] to contribute to your team's success.

Thank you once again for this opportunity. I look forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

Example 2 - Follow-Up Email After Phone Interview

Subject Line: Thank You for the Phone Interview for [Position Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I appreciated our conversation today about the [Position] at [Company Name]. I am excited about your approach to [industry/business], and I look forward to exploring potential cooperation further.

When you are able to, I’d appreciate if we could arrange another chat to discuss the role further,

Best Regards, [Your Name]

Example 3 - Second Interview Follow-Up Email

Subject Line: Excited About Potential Collaboration with [Company Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

Thank you for our second chat about the [Position] at [Company Name]. On reflection, I am confident that joining your team would be a positive step forward in my career. Please find attached a presentation with ideas on how I could make [Project Discussed] successful.

When you are able to, I’d appreciate if we could arrange another chat to discuss the role further,

Best Regards, [Your Name]

Example 4 - Enthusiasm for the Role

Subject Line: Excited About Potential Collaboration with [Company Name]

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

Thank you for the excellent meeting yesterday, I found discussing the [Position Name] role and hearing about [Company Name]'s vision directly from you was truly inspiring.

I am particularly excited about the opportunity to leverage my experience in [specific experience] to further contribute to [a project or goal you discussed]. I see great potential for how I can support your team in achieving its objectives.

Looking forward to potentially joining your team and contributing to its success.

Warm regards,

[Your Full Name]

Example 5 - Highlighting a Specific Discussion Point

Subject: Reflecting on Our Conversation About [Specific Topic] - [Your Full Name]

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

Thank you for taking the time to discuss the [Position Name] role with me yesterday. Our conversation about [specific topic or project] was particularly interesting, and I’ve been thinking more about how my background in [your background or experience] could help address [the challenge or opportunity discussed], please find attached my initial thoughts on how I would proceed with this.

I would like to reiterate how eager I am to bring my skills and insights to [Company Name] and contribute to your team.

Thank you again for considering me for this role. I look forward to the opportunity to make a positive impact on your team.


[Your Full Name]

Example 6 - Addressing a Concern Raised During the Interview

Subject: Further Thoughts on [Concern Raised] - [Your Full Name]

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

Thank you for a productive conversation about the [Position Name] at [Company Name]. I appreciate your candid discussion about [specific concern raised, e.g., experience with a certain tool or technology].

I’ve given this some thought and wanted to share that I am fully committed to [method of overcoming the concern, e.g., "rapidly upskilling in this area"/"leveraging my related experience in..."], I would propose that [information on how you would overcome it].

I am confident in my ability to quickly adapt and contribute effectively to your team, bringing [mention a specific skill or quality you offer] to the role.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to demonstrate my capabilities in this area.


[Your Full Name]

Example 7 - Short and Sweet Follow-Up

Subject: Further Thoughts on [Concern Raised] - [Your Full Name]

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I just wanted to quickly thank you for the opportunity to interview for the [Position Name] role. It was great to learn more about [Company Name] and discuss how I can contribute to your team.

I am very enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your team and helping to [mention a goal or project related to the position].

Thank you again for your time and consideration.


[Your Full Name]

FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

Why is sending a follow-up email after a job interview important?

Sending a follow-up email after a job interview is crucial as it demonstrates continued enthusiasm for the role, reminds employers of your qualifications, and allows for personalization of communication. It also provides an opportunity to clarify and continue any points discussed during the interview.

What are the key elements of writing an effective follow-up email in English?

When writing a good follow-up email in English, make sure to create an attention-grabbing subject line, use a polite and thankful tone, keep the email content relevant and short, mention something memorable from the interview, and end with a respectful sign-off.

How should I structure my follow-up email for maximum impact?

To make your follow-up email stand out, choose a clear and related subject line, begin with a courteous hello and say thank you, talk about certain points from the interview in the main body, finish by saying thanks again and showing you’re excited about the job, and sign off professionally at the end.

Why is editing and proofreading my follow-up email important?

Checking and editing your follow-up email is critical because it shows that you pay attention to detail and have a professional approach. Make sure your email is easy to understand with straight-to-the-point sentences, and consider using tools like Grammarly or Microsoft Word to help check your grammar and spelling.

Can you help me with this?

Sure! We offer a wide range of career help for jobseekers in Thailand, for more information please contact us.